Saturday, August 25, 2007

Please read this .

Imad Khadduri (Free Iraq)wrote at August /23/ 2007 an interesting article, will you please read it.


madtom said...

I don't get it, What? the coup?

Don't worry that's just rumors and politics...never happen

waldschrat said...

I am inclined to agree with madtom. Iraq is a place where rumors appear from thin air and spread like wildfire regardless of the facts.

On the other hand, what other mechanism would there be for eventual replacement of the current Iraqi legislature, Maliki, etc with better, more competent and more wisely chosen people.

I was coincidentally wondering to myself today when the term of the Iraq's parliament would expire, so I looked at the Iraqi constitution. It seems to me that according to the constitution there IS no fixed term for parliament, parliament will be dissolved and new representatives elected only when the parliament chooses to dissolve itself.

Is that true? Is there some sort of error in the English translation of the constitution I read?

Do you think there will ever be another national election in Iraq? If so, when? If not, how do you suppose the service of the current members of the Iraqi parliament will be "terminated"?

waldschrat said...

On re-reading my comment of yesterday I consider it worth saying that I did not intend to suggest that the current government officials are necessarily poorly chosen, incompetent or bad in any particular way. I am simply startled that elected officials don't seem to bebelected for a fixed term of office if I read the constitution correctly.

waldschrat said...

Truthteller, I noticed a news story the other day which may relate to supply shortages at the Mosul hospital and other hospitals in Iraq, and I would be very interested in any comments you might have on it. It's at LINK and claims Syrian police seized a large quantity of pharmaceuticals recently which had been purchased by the Iraqi government and subsequently smuggled to Damascus.

Truth teller said...

Yes waldschrat, it is true, every thing in Iraq is being smuggled out side the country, including people.
A day will come when only the Americans and their alleys be left there.
There is a joke here that "there is a time table for the Iraqis to leave Iraq"
I can say it is the biggest theft in the history, when a whole country with all it's fortunes being stolen by foreigners.

waldschrat said...

Pity poor Iraq. But do not give up hope, my friend, rumor has it that the Turks may come and restore peace to the country.