Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New Iraqi Poem (in arabic)

قـُلْ لي ، وموتُ العـراقـيـِّينَ ما نـَضَبا أستـَلهـِمُ الحُـزنَ ، أم أستـَلهـِمُ الغـَضَبا؟

الشاعر العراقي: عبدالرزاق عبدالواحد

قـُلْ لي ، وموتُ العـراقـيـِّينَ ما نـَضَبا أستـَلهـِمُ الحُـزنَ ، أم أستـَلهـِمُ الغـَضَبا؟
أم أسـألُ الـدَّمَ مِلْءَ الأرض ِفي وطني عـلى الشـَّوارع ِوالجـُدران ِمـا كـَتـَبــا
خَمسٌ مَضَيـنَ فـَهَل جَفـَّتْ مَلابسـُهـُم أم لم تـَزَلْ يا دَمَ الأحـبابِ مُنـسـَكـبـا؟
ولم تـَزَلْ كلُّ أثـوابِ الصِّغـارِ بـِهـا شيءٌ يـُقـَطـِّرُ م ِالأردان ِمُـنـسـَرِبـا؟
أكـُلُّ ما يَـلعـَبُ الأطفـالُ فـيـهِ دَمٌ وفـيـهِ جـُرحٌ لِحَـدِّ الآن ما قـُطـِبا؟
اللهَ يـا دَمَ أهـلــي .. كـيفَ أ ُنـْصِفـُه مِن عَثرَتي بَعدَ أن أصبَحتُ مُغتـَرِبا؟!
وكـانَ بـَيـنَ شـَـرايـيـني وأورِدَ تي يَجري فـَأبـقى بـِه ِلِلفـَجرِ مُضطـَرِبا
وَكيفَ أجزي الـعـراقيـِّينَ عن زَمَن كانـُوا بـِهِ لـِلمَعـالي صـايـَة ًوَعـَبـا!*
وَغـُترَة ً، وعـِقالا ً.. كلـَّما هـَزَجـُوا ألـقـَتْ جـَلالا ًعلى أكـتـافـِهـِم عَجَبا!
أيــَّامَ كنتُ بـِصَوبِ الكرخ ِأرقـَبُهـُم وهُم يَشعُّون في سُوح ِالوَغى شـُهُبا
والشـِّعرُ يَهمي كـَسَيل ِالنـَّارِمِن قـََلمي تـَكـادُ مِن وَقــْدِهِ الأوراقُ أن تـَـثـِبـا
كانُوا يُحيطونَ بي صَوتا ً،وأحضُنُهُ مَجـامِرا ً..أملأ ُ الـدُّنـيـا بـِها لـَهـَبـا
حتى إذا انـتـَصَروا في أيِّ مَعرَكـَة ٍ وَسـَّدتُ قـَلبي على أقـدامِهـِم حـَدِبـا!
اللهَ يـا دَمَ أهـلـي .. كـيفَ أ ُنـْصِفـُه مِن عـَثرَتي بَعدَ أن أصبَحتُ مُغتـَرِبا؟
أأكـتـَفي يا بلادي أن أقـولَ لـَهُـم وَهـُم يَموتـون ، أفـديكـُم أخـا ًوأبـا ؟
أفـديكـُمو وَلـَـدا ً شـِـلـْوا ً، وَوالـِـدَ ة ً تـُدني لـِجـُثـمانـِه ِالأثوابَ والـلـُّعـَبا
صَمـَّاءَ بـَكماءَ مِن رُعبٍ ،وأعيـُنـُها وِسْعَ السـَّماواتِ يَجري دَمعُها سُحُبا
أأنـتـَخي لـِلـعـراقـيـِّيـنَ مَحـْضَ فـَم ٍ يـَبكيهـُمو أنَّ عـالي زَهـْوِهـِم ذهـَبـا
وأنـَّهـُم بَـيـنَ مَذبـوح ٍ ، وَمُحـتـَجـَز ٍ وَهارِبٍ ، وَطـَعـيـن ٍعـِرضُهُ سـُلـِبا
أو لاجيءٍ في ديارِ الله مُحـتـَسـِـبٍ أنْ لـَفَّ مِن حـَولـِهِ أطفالـَه ُالزُّغـُبا
وَفـَرَّ يـَحـمِـلُ لـِلمَنـفى مَصائِـرَهـُم مِن بَعـدِما كلُّ شيءٍ عـِندَهـُم نـُهـِبـا؟
أأنـتـخي لـِلـعـراقـيـِّيـن مَحـْضَ فـَم ٍ يـَبكـيهـُمُ أنـَّهـُم قـَد أصبَحوا عـُصَبا
وأنـَّهـُم بـُعـثِروا بعدَ الـصَّفـا شـيـَعـا وأنـَّهـُم صُنـِّفوا بعـدَ الـوَفـا رُتـَبـا
مَجـالـِسـا ً، وَمِليشـياتٍ ، وأفـدَحُها مَذاهـِبٌ كـُلـُّهـُم راحـُوا بـِهـِنَّ هـَبا
بَعضٌ يـُذ َبـِّحُ بَعـضا ًلا أبا لـَكـُمو وَقـاتـِلـُوكـُم عليكـُم أصبَحـوا رُقـَبا
هُم يَبذ ُرونَ الوَبا..يَستـَمطِرونَ لـَهُ دماءكـُم .. ثمَّ يَسـقونَ الـدِّماءَ وَبـا
فـَيَـقـتـُلـونَ بـِذا هـذا ، وذاكَ بـِذا ويُصبـِحونَ هُمُ الأخيـارَ والـنـُّجُبا
أولاءِ أنتـُم بـَني أ ُمِّي ، بـِأيِّ فـَم ٍ أبكي لكُم والقـَوافي أصبَحَتْ تـَعـَبا؟
أفـديـكَ يا دَمَهـُم .. بـَيني وبَيـنـَهُمو بَحرٌ من المَوتِ حتى الصَّوتُ فيهِ كـَبا
وأدَّعي ، وأنا في الشـَّام ِلي وطنٌ أنـِّي غريبٌ ، وهُم في أرضِهِم غـُرَبا!
أستـَمطِرُ الحُزنَ،أم أستمطِرُ الغـَضَبا أم أترُكُ الأرضَ والجُدرانَ والتـُّرَبا
تـَحكي،كما حَدَّثـَتـْني،عن مَواجعِها وكنتُ أ ُرهِفُ سَمعَ الرُّوح ِمُنتـَحِبا
قالـَتْ تـَأمَّلْ ، فـَهـذا اللـَّونُ تـَعرِفـُهُ يـا ما مَلأتَ بـِهِ الأوراقَ والـكـُتـُبـا
لـكـنـَّـهُ الآنَ لا ذاكَ الـكـَتـَبْـتَ بـِهِ تـلـكَ القصائدَ أيـَّامَ الـعـراقُ صَبـا
فـَصالَ لـِلمَجدِ كلِّ المَجدِ صَولـَتـَه وكنتَ تأتي بـِذاكَ الـدَّمِّ مُعـتـَصِبـا
يكادُ حَـرفـُكَ مِمـَّا فـيـهِ مِن وَهـَج ٍ وكـِبريـاءٍ يـَهـُزُّ الكـَونَ مُصطخِبا
وذلـكَ الـدَّمُ يَهـمي مِن مَـفـاصِلـِه ِ ضَوءا ًيُعانـِقُ وَجـهَ اللهِ مُحتـَسـِبا
اليَوم يَنسابُ مَقـهورا ً ، نـَوازِفـُهُ تـَصيحُ بالناس كونوا مَرتعا ًخَصِبا
أسقيهِ كي تـُورِقوا في لـَيل ِمِحنـَتِكُم لا هذهِ الـنـَّارَ والأحجارَ والنـُّصُبا
قـالـَتْ لـِخـَمسـَةِ أعـوام ٍ يـُلـَبـِّدُني هذا الدَّمُ المُرُّ ،لا ألوى ،ولا شـَحُبا
كأنـَّهُ يَسـتـَغـيـثُ الكـَونَ أجمـَعـَهُ لـِكي يـُعيدَ لـَهُ الزَّهـوَ الذي ذهـَبـا
يا ضَوءَ عيني العراقيِّين..يا شُهُبا ً يَبقى بها اللـَّيلُ ،عُمرَاللـَّيل ِ،مُنشَعِبا
ما حاقَ يَوما ًبـِنـَجم ٍمِن مَجَرَّتـِها إلا رماهُ بـِسـَهم ِالضَّوءِ فانـثـَقـَبـا!
لكنـَّهُ الغـَدرُ،غَدرُالأهل ِيا وطني وهيَ الخيانـَة ُ..يَكفي الخائنينَ غـَبا
أنَّ الـمآسي التي رِيعَ العراقُ بـِها ما حـَرَّكـَتْ منهمو رأسا ًولا ذ َنـَبا
فـأوقـَدوا مَرَّة ًأ ُخرى مَجـامِرَهـا لـِيُصبحوا مَرَّة ًأ ُخرى بها حَطـَبا!
وَيُصبحونَ وَرَبِّ البَيت.. تـَذبَحُهُم هذي الرِّقابُ التي قد قـُطـِّعَتْ إرَبا
هـذي دماءٌ يَجـِلُّ اللهُ خـالـِقـُهـا عن أن يُرى وَجهُهُ عنهُنَّ مُحتجـِبا! *
أمـَّا بَـنـو عـَمِّنـا .. اللهُ يَحـرُسـُهُم فـَخَيرُهُم لم يَزَلْ بالصَّمتِ مُنتـَقـِبا
هُم أشعَلوا النـَّار..هُم كانوا مَواقِدَها وَمِنهُم المَوتُ نحوَ الـرَّافِـدَيـن ِدَبى
تـَعـاوَنـُوا كـُلـُّهُم كي يَذبَحوا وَطنا ً صُدورُ أبنـائِه ِكانـَتْ لـَهـُم حُجُبـا
تـَقـَوَّسـَتْ حَولـَهُم أضلاعُنا زَرَدا ً وَخـَيـَّمَتْ فـَوقـَهُم أرواحُـنا قـُبَـبـا
وكلُّ أولادِنـا كانـوا لـِمُقـلـَتـِهـِم جَفنا ً، فـَلـَو راوَدَتهـا نـَسمَة ٌوَثـَبا
فـَأجمَعوا أن يَفـُونا دَيـنَ نـَخوَتِـنا بأنْ غـَدَوا كـُلـُّهُم في ذ َبحِنا سـَبَبا
مِن كلِّ بَيتٍ تـَعـَرَّى مُخـْفـيا ًيـَدَهُ نصلٌ لِيَطعَنَ طفلا ًفي العراق ِحَبا
وكلُّ بـَيـتِ أ ُعـَيْرابٍ أسـالَ لـَنـا سَهما ًرَهيفا ًبـِجَنبَيْ طفـلـَةٍ نـَشِبا
بَلْ جَسـَّدواهُم لأمريكا خَواطِرَها فـَنـَفـَّذوا ما أحـَط ُّ المُجرمينَ أبى
تـَناهَبُوا ضِعفَ ما جَيشُ العـِدا نـَهَبا وأرعَبوا ضِعفَ ما جيشُ العِدا رَعَبا
وَنـَحـنُ نـَزعُـمُ أنـَّا أ ُمـَّة ٌعـَرَبٌ الـحـَمْـدُ للهِ كـُنـَّــا أ ُمـَة ًعـَـرَبـــا!
لـَوأنَّ وَجْهَ الحـَصى يَبتـَلُّ مِن خَجَل ٍ أعـمامُنـا لـَن تـَرى وَجها ًلـَهُم رَطِبا!
إلا دمشق..وباسم ِالنـَّاس ِفي وطني أقـولُ أَ دَّ ى بـَنـو بَشــار ما وَجـَبـا
وَما يَزالون..نـَدري الحِملُ أبهَظـَهُم فـَآثـَروا الـصَّبرَ والأخلاقَ والأدَبـا
وآثـَروا أن يَظلـُّواالأهلَ ما نـَكَصُوا وأنْ يَكونوا لـَنا في عـُسـرِنا نـَسـَبا


waldschrat said...

How sad that Google's translator robot renders it thus in English:

Or ask the blood fill the earth in a national street walls and what books
Will he spent five or dried clothes was never any blood spilled loved ones?
Did not remove all the dresses by young thing whose Mnserba M. Jordan?
Eat what the children play when the blood, which injured so far as a pole?
O God the blood of my family .. How a half out after it became expatriates?!
The artery between MTV reporter being retained by the dawn of the turbulent
How shall reward for Iraqis by the time they were and mobilized the tutelage of His Excellency! *
The Gtrh, sensible people .. Lilt whenever she screamed Majesty on their shoulders!
I Karkh days towards the neck and they Icon Suh battlefield in comets
The importance of poetry Sale Narmen almost from my pen and papers to prove their disappearance
They take my voice, and the arms Mjamra .. hoping to lower Bali
Even if they were victorious in any battle filled my heart and on foot Hump!
O God the blood of my family .. How a half out after it became expatriates?
Aaktefi you say to them that my country are dying, my delegation brother and father?
Alfdikmo boys failed, and the father of e Thobes low to his body and game
Deaf, dumb horror, the mind can heavens are tears of clouds
Aanteje to Iraqis purely mouth Epkihmu that high gold splendor
And they were among the slain, and detained a fugitive, and vaccination was introduced negatively
Or in the homes of refugees that God will sustain wrapped around his children Zughbi
Provided carries the fate of exile after everything they have looted?
Aanteje mouth purely for the Iraqis mourned that they had become the backbone
And fidelity after they stumbled into groups and were classified after thousands ranking
Boards and militias, and the heaviest all started their doctrines Bali
Some other significant Bah not the father of latency and fight on the neck became
Ron Ibz are fatal blood .. Estmtron him .. Then irrigated blood BAS
Thus, this killed, and that thus they are good guys and give birth
You built a loyalty Mai, no mouth to cry for you and Rhymes are packed?
We protect you with any blood .. Penny professionals sea of death until the sound when Kabbah
He claimed, and I'm in my homeland Sham I Ghraib, and they land in the west!
Astmatar sadness, anger or Astmatar or leave the ground and walls and soil
Telling, as happened on Mwadjaha and I heard a heightened spirit Menthba
She hopes, that you know what color filled by papers and books
But now that books by those poems days Saba Iraq
Barber for the glory of all the assets and Glory you come to that blood Matbba
This is almost verbatim by the radiance of Pride and shake the universe Mstba
That blood importance of the joints light embrace God's face Author:
Today flowing oppressed, people Noaszewh Tip Be fertile ground
Watering at night so that the paper is the plight of these fire and stones and monuments
Her five years of Dublin this blood-Murr, in Eloy, in Pale
There Istgit collected, in order to restore him by the Vanity gold
You light the eyes of Iraqis .. any comets remain the night, Amrallil, Crotch
What catching and resulting from Hungary only Archery light Vanthagba!
But treachery, Gdralahl any national treason is treacherous enough .. Gba
The tragedies rent by the Iraq moved directly engaged in the news y
Having once a delay Mjamraa to become once a delay in the wood!
And become head of the house .. These are being slaughtered by the Necks may cut into pieces
These are the blood of honouring God Creator on hand to see them Mahtjba! *
As beings who .. God Guard Khairy was still silent AEeafsfasf
They set fire .. they are stoves and some of them die Rafidain Dubai
They have cooperated so massacred and tons of the sons who had hid
Zard brackets around his ribs and above them darkened our lives Domes
All our children were lice Jaffna, if people are haunted-frogging
Von Friday that the religion that lost all my brothers in the cause y Hanna
Strip from each house to get his hand hidden challenged children in Iraq love
Every house a Airab ask us to avoid the girl shares Rhiva Shabat
But Jsdoahm of America's thoughts had carried out the basest criminals Abe
Looters twice as army looted and intimidated except twice as frightening dimension Army
We claim a valuable Arabs I thank God we were a valuable Arabs!
The face of gravel petal shy of his turban will not see them face wet!
But Damascus .. and on behalf of people say a national d j Bashar Bani what Juba
.. And still know most expensive pregnancy wealth of patience, moral and ethical
The favored to Iazloaalahl what Nksoa us and be in hardship proportions

Truth teller said...

Hi waldschrat

I hope that I could translate it to English. But now I have some health problem, I had an operation on my colon ends with temporary colostomy, waiting for another operation to close it.
The electronic translation destroyed the whole poem.

waldschrat said...

I think poetry is the hardest of all writing to translate. Google's robot makes a terrible mess of the poem in the process of trying to translate it, but it at least gives some clues to what it must be in the original language.

I am very sorry that you are having health problems and I hope you recover your strength and health soon.

ooO Julielanne Ooo said...

If I'm lucky enough, I could ask my mum soon, and I could be able to say something veeeery smart (or just enjoying it, hun?!!).
Now I'm searching pictures (and words) from her country, I only could imagine, since I am a little girl...
Thanks for this little window.
take care

Bruno said...

Hello, Truth Teller,

I'm glad to see that you are still around and still OK, despite the operation that you had to undergo. I hope that all went well. If you find yourself with any spare time, please do tell us how things are going in Iraq, both in your own life and in that of your country. Thank you for your time!

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Dolphin said...

I like your writings!!!
日光花園 MOTEL 高雄日光花園 日光花園MOTEL 日光花園高雄MOTEL 高雄MOTEL MOTEL高雄 汽車旅館 高雄汽車旅館 日光花園汽車旅館 精品汽車旅館 汽車旅館住宿 汽車旅館休息 汽車旅館價格 悅豪 悅豪精品旅館 台中motel 住宿台中 motel 台中motel悅豪MOTEL 悅豪MOTEL 台中悅豪MOTEL MOTEL價格 台中住宿 住宿 MOTEL 飯店住宿 台中汽車旅館 汽車旅館 精品汽車旅館 時尚汽車旅館 汽車旅館價格

Olivier said...


نوفل said...

قصائد عبد الرزاق كله روعة ومحرقة

الشاعر محمود الدليمي له قصيدة رائعة بعنوان اكان يكذبني التاريخ
حسبي وحسبك انا بعد من رحلوا
ما عاد من احد نبكيه يا طلل

يرثي بها العراق

deeperpolitics said...

"The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the 'devil' only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US . . ." -- Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook
"Ana raicha Al Qaeda" is colloquial for "I'm going to the toilet". A very common and widespread use of the word "Al-Qaeda" in different Arab countries in the public language is for the toilet bowl. This name comes from the Arabic verb "Qa'ada" which mean "to sit", pertinently, on the "Toilet Bowl". In most Arabs homes there are two kinds of toilets: "Al-Qaeda" also called the "Hamam Franji" or foreign toilet, and "Hamam Arabi" or "Arab toilet" which is a hole in the ground. Lest we forget it, the potty used by small children is called "Ma Qa'adia" or "Little Qaeda".

So, if you were forming a terrorist group, would you call yourself, "The Toilet"?
End Quote

The statement came from an article written many years ago....which I happened to save.

or google

I simply wish to verify whether 'al qaida' or 'al qaeda' or 'ma qa'adia' or 'little qaeda' or 'qa'ada' has anything to do with the meaning 'to sit' or pertaining to the 'toilet bowl'

Can anyone who speaks local Arabic tongue....and lived in the countryside....verify the above statement?

Anonymous said...

自拍 脫衣秀 a片 成人 a片 3p自拍 3y3成人色色網 3級片 45av 45av光碟 4qk 4u成人 4u成人影片 50av 520sex 520sex脫衣秀 520免費視訊 520免費影片 520聊天室 5278cc免費影片 5278成人色論 5278免費 5278貼圖區 555免費影片 5s成人色論 666成人 666成人光 666貼圖 女優 全裸 69成人 69性愛姿勢 69情色貼圖 69聊天室 鹹濕 裸圖 火辣 6g成人色論 6k情色av聊天館 6k情色淫婦聊天館 6k聊天室 視訊 6k聊天館 爆乳 6k貼圖 6k貼圖爆乳聊天館 707聊天聯盟 72p影片網 735聊天室 77p2p

birgül ergev said...

dear sir,
I have a question.there is a village or a little city in or near Talafer and Mousul.I can't find it in Google.Its write in latin alphabet Bavice or something like this. ..Can you write me this villages name in Arabic.Because we want to learn how it's pronunciation..Somebady ask me from university.