Every day we left hotel about 7:30 am to reach the place before 8:00 am. The workstation started at 8:00 am till 5:30 pm with a break for the lunch at about 12:00 am. when we left the company we have to call for the taxi company to take us to the hotel, usually we reached the hotel about 6:00 pm or later. Surprisingly all the shops in the city closed at 7:00 pm except the restaurants.
After 7:00 pm we have only the park of the Chateau to go and enjoy the beautiful gardens and the fresh air. Even the park closed at 9:00 pm. when we go to our hotel for the diner which last at least two hours, and then went to sleep.
At the first weekend we visited the Chateau from inside, It is unbelievably wonderful.
I will show you some pictures of it.

I think Versailles was the location of the palace of the King of France at the time of the French Revolution. Part of the reason for the revolution was that the King built such a beautiful palace for himself while his people could not afford to buy bread to eat.
Years after the revolution the palace was converted to a museum, but during the revolution the King's head was cut off and the palace was robbed by mobs, so I have read.
The beauty of the place is enormous. I am glad you had a chance to visit such a wonderful place and share pictures of it in your blog!
Good to hear Iraqi medical
institutions are starting to receive more investment.
Had peace come to Iraq immediately
after the fall of Saddams statue
Iraq would be very far advanced
by now.
Lets hope Iraqi insurgents realize
they can play a part in a very
prosperous nation and they
stop the attacks which brutalize
and impoverish thier own country
Hi Truthteller!
I was wondering whether the hospital in Mosul has one of the fancy computer-controlled radiation machines used for treatment of cancer with radiation. My wife was treated with such a machine years ago when she had breast cancer. My impression is that the machine you went to France to study was an imaging machine, not a treatment machine. I'm really curious what tools are available for treating cancer in Mosul.
The hospital in Mosul has two Radio-therapy machines. The problem is that, the Radioactive source (Co 67), have a half-life of 5 years, that means the sources should be changed every 5 years to be efficient and effective. Every 5 yrs the efficiency decrease by 50%.
The sources of the Mosul hospital's machines were changed at 1978 and 1980.
By simple calculation you can know that the efficiency of those machines are practically very low to be used for therapy, but we still use them as there are no other alternatives.
The Machine I went to train on, was an Imaging one, not for treatment. Still we don't have the Radiopharmaceuticals used for imaging!
It is a horrible fact as every other facts in Iraq
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